Monthly General Meeting for April 2024
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
Alhamdulillah! On the last Saturday of April (27th of April 2024), at 2:00 PM, under the management of the Gausia Committee Bangladesh Women Wing, the holy completion of Khatme Gausia Sharif was observed, followed by the monthly general meeting for April.
In this general meeting, a reading session was conducted with the officers and executive members of all branch committees of the Gausia Committee Bangladesh Women Wing. At the beginning of the reading session, all present performed Salatul Istisqa (without congregation).
Furthermore, training was provided on the correct recitation of the five Kalemas of Islam and the method of Wudu from the Gausia Tarbiyati Nisab. Alongside, encouragement was given to regularly study the Gausia Tarbiyati Nisab.
At the end of the meeting, sherbet was distributed to all present as a blessing.
A total of 100 officers and executive members were present at the general meeting, both online and offline.
May Allah, the Most High, and His Noble Messenger, peace be upon him, accept everyone immersed in the desire to continue the noble work given by Ghaus-e-Pak and the revered Mashayekh, as true Gausian soldiers, Amen.
Gausia Committee Bangladesh Women Wing. 💚