Da’wat-e-Khair Women Mehfil, Purba Baklia
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah.
On Sunday, May 26, 2024, under the organization of Gausia Committee Bangladesh Women Wing, managed by the Gausia Committee Bangladesh Women’s Branch, Bakolia Thana, and with the assistance of Mohammad Maruf at Gausia Committee Bangladesh, Ramzan Ali’s Baper Bari Unit, the 6th “Da’wat-e-Khair Women Mehfil” was successfully completed in the Purba Baklia Hatkhola Bridge area.
🔹In this Da’wat-e-Khair Women’s Mehfil, discussions were held on the virtues of Darood Sharif, the establishment of the Jamea by Huzur Qibla, the virtues of ablution (Wudu), the Sunnah and Mustahab practices of Wudu, and the forbidden times for Nafl prayers and all other prayers as per the Gausia Tarbiyati Nisaab.
A total of 33 women attended.
May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala accept everyone’s service. Ameen.
Behurmati Sayyidil Mursalin (Darood).
Source: Gausia Committee Bangladesh Women’s Branch, Bakolia Thana, Chattogram Metropolitan.
Gausia Committee Bangladesh Women Wing