15th Zilhajj, Urs Mubarak of Hafez Qari Syed Muhammad Tayyab Shah (Rah.) Huzur Qibla
Contributions of Gaus-e-Zaman, Syed Muhammad Tayyab Shah (Ra) the Greatest Reformer of the 15th Century.
1. Initiator of the Jashne Julus on Eid-e-Miladun Nabi (S.A.W)
2. Guide of the monthly magazine, Tarjuman-e Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal Jama’at.
3. Anware Mustafa (Urdu Magazine)
4. Founder of Gausia Committee Bangladesh
5. Founder of Majlis-e-Gausia Sirikotia
6. Establishment of over a hundred madrasahs, including Quaderia Madrasah in Dhaka
7. Founder of numerous khaneqahs, including Alamgir Khanaqah Sharif
8. Printing 5,000 copies of Majmu’a-e-Salawat-e-Rasool (s.a.w) and editing its Urdu translation up to 22 paras.
9. Directive for the printing of Awrad-e-Quaderia
10. Reinstitution of salat and salam before and after the Adhan.
11. Inclusion of poems in Khatme Gausia.
12. Inclusion of Ala Hazrat’s written salutation “Salam-e-Reza (Mustafa Jane Rehmat)” in Milad Qiyam.
13. Encouragement of reciting “Sabse Aala o Aala” Naat-e-Rasool (S.A.W) in madrasahs.
14. Encouragement for the translation of books “Kanzul Iman & Nurul Irfan”
15. Guidance through the interpretation of the Holy Quran, specifically the Noorani Taqreer.
16. Directive for the promotion and spread of Khatm-e-Gausia in villages and towns.
17. Under his supervision, the Silsila-e-Alia Qaderia’s Shajra Sharif (Ya Ilahi) was published in a new poetic format.
Gausia Committee Bangladesh Women Wing